JoomlaScan - Tool To Find The Components Installed In Joomla CMS, Built Out Of The Ashes Of Joomscan
A free and open source software to find the components installed in Joomla CMS, built out of the ashes of Joomscan.
- Scanning the Joomla CMS sites in search of components/extensions (database of more than 600 components);
- Locate the browsable folders of component (Index of ...);
- Locate the components disabled or protected
- Locate each file useful to identify the version of a components (Readme, Manifest, License, Changelog)
- Locate the robots.txt file or error_log file
- Supports HTTP or HTTPS connections
- Connection timeout
Next Features
- Locate the version of Joomla CMS
- Find Module
- Customized User Agent and Random Agent
- The user can change the connection timeout
- A database of vulnerable components
usage: python [-h] [-u URL] [-t THREADS] [-v]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL The Joomla URL/domain to scan.
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
The number of threads to use when multi-threading
requests (default: 10).
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
- Python
- beautifulsoup4 (To install this library from terminal type: $ sudo easy_install beautifulsoup4 or $ sudo pip install beautifulsoup4)
- 2016.12.12 0.5beta > Implementation of the Multi Thread, Updated database from 656 to 686 components, Fix Cosmetics and Minor Fix.
- 2016.05.20 0.4beta > Find, Find Manifes.xml, Find Index file of Components (Only if descriptive), User Agent and TimeOut on Python Request, Updated database from 587 to 656 components, Fix Cosmetics and Minor Fix.
- 2016.03.18 0.3beta > Find index file on components directory
- 2016.03.14 0.2beta > Find administrator components and file Readme, Changelog, License.
- 2016.02.12 0.1beta > Initial release
JoomlaScan - Tool To Find The Components Installed In Joomla CMS, Built Out Of The Ashes Of Joomscan
Reviewed by Zion3R
5:49 PM