Packet Sender - The UDP and TCP Network Test Utility
Packet Sender is an open source utility
to allow sending and receiving TCP and UDP packets. It is available free
(no ads / no bundleware) for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It can be used
for both commercial and personal use
(license). It's designed
to be very easy to use while still providing enough features for power users to do what they need.
The native mobile versions have been abandoned to focus on the more
popular and more capable desktop version. However, the GitHub
projects for both iOS and Android are MIT Licensed and available for forking.
Change log
- Version 2015-04-19
- Portable mode
- Read in file from command line
- Save traffic log
- Mobile versions have been abandoned. Project focus is now on the far more popular desktop version.
- Version 2015-02-13
- Migrated to GitHub
- New vector-based logo
- Bug fix in quick-disable/enable
- Migrated to Qt 5.4
- Ubuntu version brought up to date.
- Forums are closed (spammers killed it).
- Version 2014-10-07
- Initial launch of forums.
- Multi-Send.
- Quick-send from traffic log selected packets.
- Packet Export/Import.
- Rolling traffic log support.
- Numerous configuration settings added:
- Copy raw packet data to clipboard.
- Receive before send.
- Connection delays for slow devices.
- Command line interface default binds to 0.
- Universal (XP through 8.1) Windows installer.
- Migrated to Qt 5.3
- Some rework of the "About" section.
- Version 2014-02-22
- TCP connections are now fully threaded (no more UI freezes).
- Brand new and highly capable command line interface. (Run PacketSender --help)
- Some mild UI enhancements to make sending easier.
- Ubuntu version brought up to date.
- Windows XP now separated.
- Qt 5.2
- Version 1.5 (Mobile)
- Android version released.
- Version 2013-11-18
- Copy to Clipboard button on traffic log.
- Name prompt for traffic log.
- Version 2013-11-11
- Bad installer on Windows. No other changes made.
- Version 2013-11-09
- Searching packets from traffic log.
- Fixed some traffic log stability problems.
- Version 2013-11-05
- Added resending packets at user-specified intervals.
- Traffic log sped up significantly.
- Packet searching.
- Table headers (both saved packets and traffic log) can be rearranged.
- Response packet for TCP actually works now.
- Response packet data can be manually updated.
- About / License stuff moved to another tab.
- Internal libraries updated.
- Version 2013-10-20
- 64-bit Ubuntu and Linux Mint support.
- Version 2013-10-14
- Ubuntu and Linux Mint support.
- Version 2013-05-20
- Saving is less quirky.
- Domain names can be used in IP address line. Packet Sender will do a quick lookup to find the IP.
- Internal libraries updated.
- Version 2012-09-12
- Public release of deskop version.
Packet Sender - The UDP and TCP Network Test Utility
Reviewed by Zion3R
12:01 PM