Hostscan - PHP tool for scanning specific range of hosts
Hostscan is a php tool which allows you to scan specific range of hosts, mostly for information gathering
and testing for weak passwords. I guess it's a pentest tool, i'd created it to automate some tests that i
often do. Since it's PHP, it works quite slowly compared to client-side soft.
How it works?
- You need to provide range of ip's (e.g. -; program will perform operations on each address separately, basing on selected options, then it will print out the response.
- By default, program will only check open ports, print http response headers, test for HTTP methods and check FTP for anonymous login.
- If 'SSH/IMAP/DB's' are checked, program will try to bruteforce SSH,IMAP,MySQL,PostgreSQL & MsSQL using array of passwords and users defined on the beggining of script. Notice, that it will try to login as user with grand permissions (e.g. root, postgres), although you're able to edit it.
- If 'FTP User' is set, program will also try to bruteforce FTP with specific user using mentioned passwords array. By default it's not, and it will only test for anonymous login.
- If 'Deep Scan' is set, program will perform all aforementioned operations. Further, it will use nmap with specific parameters you're able to edit, also, the traceroute scan will be performed and displayed - just like nmap. Deep Scan also gather some useful informations about a website (if it's running), such as interesting files/folders and www title.
- ? for quick IP address of specific - what it does it do? Nmap, traceroute, port scan, ftp anonymous login, ftp/ssh/imap/mysql/pgsql/mssql bruteforce, http (website) info gathering,Crawler accepts as a parameter array of files and folders that you can manually edit, just like others options.
Hostscan - PHP tool for scanning specific range of hosts
Reviewed by Zion3R
6:21 PM