Artemis - APK Infrastructure Investigator


A tools for Find APK Infrastructure .

HADESS performs offensive cybersecurity services through infrastructures and software that include vulnerability analysis, scenario attack planning, and implementation of custom integrated preventive projects. We organized our activities around the prevention of corporate, industrial, and laboratory cyber threats.


pip install -r requirements.txt  

Command Line Options

--help Display help
--path Required path of apk file
--manifest Display manifest informations
--infra Find all infra addresses included ip,domain ex. --infra ip,domain
--whoise Whoise all infra included ip,domain ex. --whoise ip,domain
--output Set output files ex. --output out.txt


Display Manifest

APK Infrastructure Investigator (3)

IP Whois

APK Infrastructure Investigator (4)

Example Usage:

1.Find infra(domain and ip) in sample4.apk and set output result into out.txt

python3 --path sample4.apk --infra domain,ip --output out.txt
  1. Investigate the Domain and IP on the APK
python3 --path sample.apk --whois ip

Artemis - APK Infrastructure Investigator Artemis - APK Infrastructure Investigator Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5