Shellex - C-shellcode To Hex Converter, Handy Tool For Paste And Execute Shellcodes In Gdb, Windbg, Radare2, Ollydbg, X64Dbg, Immunity Debugger And 010 Editor Shellex - C-shellcode To Hex Converter, Handy Tool For Paste And Execute Shellcodes In Gdb, Windbg, Radare2, Ollydbg, X64Dbg, Immunity Debugger And 010 Editor Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5
WSuspicious - A Tool To Abuse Insecure WSUS Connections For Privilege Escalations WSuspicious - A Tool To Abuse Insecure WSUS Connections For Privilege Escalations Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5
ATMMalScan - Tool for Windows which helps to search for malware traces on an ATM during the DFIR process ATMMalScan -  Tool for Windows which helps to search for malware traces on an ATM during the DFIR process Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5
WPCracker - WordPress User Enumeration And Login Brute Force Tool WPCracker - WordPress User Enumeration And Login Brute Force Tool Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5
ImHex - A Hex Editor For Reverse Engineers, Programmers And People That Value Their Eye Sight When Working At 3 AM. ImHex - A Hex Editor For Reverse Engineers, Programmers And People That Value Their Eye Sight When Working At 3 AM. Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5
SysWhispers2 - AV/EDR Evasion Via Direct System Calls SysWhispers2 - AV/EDR Evasion Via Direct System Calls Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5
Sarenka - OSINT Tool - Data From Services Like Shodan, Censys Etc. In One Place Sarenka - OSINT Tool - Data From Services Like Shodan, Censys Etc. In One Place Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5
EvtMute - Apply A Filter To The Events Being Reported By Windows Event Logging EvtMute - Apply A Filter To The Events Being Reported By Windows Event Logging Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5
Urlhunter - A Recon Tool That Allows Searching On URLs That Are Exposed Via Shortener Services Urlhunter - A Recon Tool That Allows Searching On URLs That Are Exposed Via Shortener Services Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5
HyperDbg - The Source Code Of HyperDbg Debugger HyperDbg - The Source Code Of HyperDbg Debugger Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5
RogueWinRM - Windows Local Privilege Escalation From Service Account To System RogueWinRM - Windows Local Privilege Escalation From Service Account To System Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5
Wynis - Audit Windows Security With Best Practice Wynis - Audit Windows Security With Best Practice Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5
SharpMapExec - A Sharpen Version Of CrackMapExec SharpMapExec - A Sharpen Version Of CrackMapExec Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5
Bento - A Minimal Fedora-Based Container For Penetration Tests And CTF With The Sweet Addition Of GUI Applications Bento - A Minimal Fedora-Based Container For Penetration Tests And CTF With The Sweet Addition Of GUI Applications Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5
Scilla - Information Gathering Tool (DNS/Subdomain/Port Enumeration) Scilla - Information Gathering Tool (DNS/Subdomain/Port Enumeration) Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5
APKLab - Android Reverse Engineering WorkBench For VS Code APKLab - Android Reverse Engineering WorkBench For VS Code Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5
ToRat - A Remote Administation Tool Written In Go Using Tor As A Transport Mechanism And RPC For Communication ToRat - A Remote Administation Tool Written In Go Using Tor As A Transport Mechanism And RPC For Communication Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5
Stegseek - Worlds Fastest Steghide Cracker, Chewing Through Millions Of Passwords Per Second Stegseek - Worlds Fastest Steghide Cracker, Chewing Through Millions Of Passwords Per Second Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5
Gustave - Embedded OS kernel fuzzer Gustave - Embedded OS kernel fuzzer Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5
RESTler - The First Stateful REST API Fuzzing Tool For Automatically Testing Cloud Services Through Their REST APIs And Finding Security And Reliability Bugs In These Services RESTler - The First Stateful REST API Fuzzing Tool For Automatically Testing Cloud Services Through Their REST APIs And Finding Security And Reliability Bugs In These Services Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5