Leprechaun - Tool Used To Map Out The Network Data Flow To Help Penetration Testers Identify Potentially Valuable Targets
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You'll need a few Ruby gems to get started - if you don't have them already, that is.
gem install 'securerandom'
gem install 'terminal-table'
gem install 'getopt'
Lastly, make sure you have Graphviz installed. You can install that with the following command:apt install graphviz -y
Tool help menu
If you run the script without any arguments, you'll see the following help menu:
[root:vonahisec-kali:~/scripts/leprechaun]# ./leprechaun.rb
Leprechaun v1.0 - Alton Johnson (@altonjx)
Usage: ./leprechaun.rb -f /path/to/netstat_results.txt -p <port>
-f File containing the output of netstat results
-p Port you're interested in. e.g., 80. Specify "all", "common", or separate ports with commas
-e The type of destination IP addresses you want to see connections to (e.g. external/internal/all)
Example: ./leprechaun.rb -f netstat_output.txt -p 80
Example: ./leprechaun.rb -f netstat_output.txt -p all
Example: ./leprechaun.rb -f netstat_output.txt -p common
Example: ./leprechaun.rb -f netstat_output.txt -p 80,443 -t external
Example outputs
| Server | Number of connected clients | Highest traffic destination port |
| | 4 | 80/tcp (4 clients) |
| | 2 | 443/tcp (2 clients) |
| | 1 | 445/tcp (1 clients) |
Additional References
Blog post: https://blog.vonahi.io/post-exploitation-with-leprechaun/
LinkedIn Article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/finding-gaps-your-network-segmentation-using-johnson-oscp-osce/
Acknowledgments & Credits
- Josh Stone - Influenced by Routehunter
Leprechaun - Tool Used To Map Out The Network Data Flow To Help Penetration Testers Identify Potentially Valuable Targets
Reviewed by Zion3R
6:30 PM